Scientific Programme

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  Aulario II Building Theatre Aulario II Room 0C04 Aulario II Hall
  November 16th
09:00 – 15:00 Congress Registration
(Reception University of Alicante Campus, Aulario II Building)
15:00 – 15:30 Congress Opening
15:30 – 16:30 Opening Lecture
Prof. Dr. Mike Hughes
President of the International Society of Performance Analysis of Sport
A retrospective view of performance analysis of sport
16:30 – 18:15 Oral Presentations 1a
Volleyball - Racket Sports
16:30-16:50 1.1a: ID1569 - Pinto
16:50-17:10 1.2a: ID1668 - Fernández
17:10-17:30 1.3a: ID1598 -Macias-R
17:30-17:50 1.4a: ID907 - Millán-H
17:50-18:10 1.5a: ID1273 -João
Oral Presentations 1b
Volleyball - Racket Sports
16:30-16:50 1.1b: ID951 - João
16:50-17:10 1.2b: ID1631 - Dednam
17:10-17:30 1.3b: ID1644 - Cui
17:30-17:50 1.4b: ID1078 - Abdul
17:50-18:10 1.5a: ID1713 - Cagno
Poster Session 1
Volleyball - Racket Sports
P1.1: ID1673-Ozsu
P1.2: ID1708-Murray
P1.3: ID1665-Ferrer
P1.4: ID1635-Rodríguez
P1.5: ID1667-Fernández
P1.6: ID1582-ElRoby
P1.7: ID1614-Calero
P1.8: ID1675-Valldecabres
P1.9: ID1635-Rodriguez
18:15 – 18:30 Coffee Break
18:30 – 19:15 Professional Session Lecture
Mr. Marco Antonio Carreira Corredoira
Spanish Olympic Taekwondo National Team Coach
Seleccionador Nacional del Equipo Olímpico Español de Taekwondo
Performance analysis approach in taekwondo for the Olympic Games Rio 2016
Enfoque del análisis del rendimiento en taekwondo para los Juegos Olímpicos de Río 2016
19:15 – 20:45 Oral Presentations 2a
19:15-19:35 2.1a: ID1698 - Parmar
19:35-19:55 2.2a: ID925 - Croft
19:55-20:15 2.3a: ID963 - Barkell
20:15-20:35 2.4a: ID929 - Kraak
20:35-20:55 2.4a: ID912 - Vaz
Oral Presentations 2b
19:15-19:35 2.1b: ID1689 - Browne
19:35-19:55 2.2b: ID1683-Lovell
19:55-20:15 2.3b: ID1657 - Østrem
20:15-20:35 2.4b: ID 939 - Fradua
20:35-20:55 2.4b: ID862 - Sierksma
Poster Session 2
Rugby - Water sports
P2.1: ID1652-Fernández
P2.2: ID1693-Fitzgerald
P2.3: ID1653-Barnes
P2.4: ID1654-Barnes
P2.5: ID1703-Lipinska
P2.6: ID1081-Canossa
P2.7: ID1648-Menescardi
P2.8: ID1087-Canossa


  Aulario II Building Theatre Aulario II Room 0C04 Aulario II Hall
  November 17th
09:00 – 09:45 Keynote Speaker Lecture
Prof. Dr. Nic James
Chair of the International Society of Performance Analysis of Sport
Performance Analysis of football: Recent trends and new developments
09:45 – 11:30 Oral Presentations 3a
09:45-10:05 3.1a: ID935 - Kim
10:05-10:25 3.2a: ID1691 - Choi
10:25-10:45 3.3a: ID932 - Otto
10:45-11:05 3.4a: ID931 - Fernández-N
11:05-11:25 3.5a: ID1610 - Prieto-A
Oral Presentations 3b
09:45-10:05 3.1b: ID1529 - Hernández
10:05-10:25 3.2b: ID1597 -Schneider
10:25-10:45 3.3b: ID1079 - Tenga
10:45-11:05 3.4b: ID1541 - Zerf
11:05-11:25 3.5b: ID1692 - Choi
P3.5: ID1711-Akdogan
P3.6: ID1662-Ramos
P3.7: ID1666-Guerra
11:30 – 11:45 Coffee Break
11:45 – 12:30 Professional Session Lecture
Prof. Dr. Maria Zakynthinaki
Technical University of Crete
Modelling cardiovascular kinetics: a review
12:30 – 14:15 Oral Presentations 4a
12:30-12:50 4.1a: ID1670 - Tafur
12:50-13:10 4.2a: ID1592 - McInerney
13:10-13:30 4.3a: ID909 - Solá
13:30-13:50 4.4a: ID1630 - Calero
Oral Presentations 4b
12:30-12:50 4.1b: ID1684-Clear
12:50-13:10 4.2b: ID1688-Farrell
13:10-13:30 4.3b: ID1693 - Fitzgerald
13:30-13:50 4.4b: ID1682-Smyth
13:50-14:10 4.5b: ID1687-McAree
Poster Session 4
P4.1: ID1591-Bolotin
P4.2: ID1624-Liebana
P4.3: ID1706-Alonso
P4.4: ID1707-Alonso
P4.5: ID1632-Chacon
P4.6: ID1578-Bolotin
P4.7: ID1604-Shadiqin
P4.8: ID1621-Gola
P4.9: ID1628-Arias
P4.10: ID1615-Cleda
P4.11: ID1629-Semenov
P4.12: ID1621- Gola´s
P4.13: ID1632- Chacon
P4.14: ID1628- Arias
P4.15: ID1686 - Cabrera
P4.16: ID1706 - Alonso-F
P4.17: ID1707 - Alonso-F
14:15 – 15:30 Lunch
15:30 – 16:15 Keynote Speaker Lecture
Prof. Dr. Carlos Lago Peñas
University of Vigo, Spain
Fatigue in soccer: news approaches and concepts
16:15 – 17:45 Oral Presentations 5a
16:15-16:35 5.1a: ID1669 - Dhawan
16:35-16:55 5.2a: ID1636 - McInerney
16:55-17:15 5.3a: ID1702 - Cejuela
17:15-17:35 5.4a: ID938 - Esteves
17:35-17:50 5.4a: ID1086 - Young

Chris White (EIS Head of Performance Analysis)
Julia Wells (EIS Technical Lead PA)

"Being Championship ready"
Reflections, current practice & future skills of an applied performance analyst
Poster Session 5
P5.1: ID1590-Bakayev
P5.2: ID1605-Monzoni
P5.3: ID1577-Bakayev
P5.4: ID1660-Rannama
P5.5: ID1639-Petho
P5.6: ID1701-Cejuela
P5.7: ID1641-Mostafa
P5.8: ID1570-Stone
P5.9: ID1619-Mazczyk
P5.10: ID1647-Wu
P5.11: ID1649-Menescardi
17:45 – 18:00 Coffee Break
18:00 – 18:45 Professional Session Lecture
Mr. Jorge Dueñas de Galarza
Spanish Women's Handball Olympic Team Coach
Seleccionador Nacional del Equipo Olímpico de Balonmano Femenino
Analysis of the planning and preparation of the Olympic women's handball team for the Olympic Games Rio 2016
Análisis de la planificación y preparación de los Juegos Olímpicos de Río 2016 de la selección olímpica femenina de balonmano
18:45 – 20:30 19:25-19:45 6.3a: ID1623 - Sousa
19:45-20:05 6.4a: ID1663 - Saavedra
20:05-20:25 6.5a: ID922 - Zapardiel
Oral Presentations 6b Handball - Netball
18:45-19:05 6.1b: ID1664 - Saavedra
19:05-19:25 6.2b: ID921 - Zapardiel
19:25-19:45 6.3b: ID1611-ButterWorth
Poster Session 6
P6.1: ID1616-Bacon
P6.2: ID1622-Mendez
P6.3: ID994-Agras
P6.4: ID995-Agras
P6.5: ID1643-Nhantumbo
P6.6: ID1666 - Guerra-Puente
P6.7: ID1662 -Pérez Aleixandre


  Aulario II Building Theatre Aulario II Room 0C04 Aulario II Hall
  November 18h
09:00 – 10:00 Keynote Speaker Lecture
Prof. Dr. José Luis López del Amo
Universidad de Vic - INEFC Barcelona, Spain
Prof. Dr. José María Padullés Riu
INEFC Barcelona, Spain
Observational analysis methodology in athletics
Metodología de análisis observacional en competiciones de atletismo
10:00 – 11:45 Oral Presentations 7a
10:00-10:20 7.1a: ID1538 - Björklund
10:20-10:40 7.2a: ID1640 - Gonzalez
10:40-11:00 7.3a: ID1633 - Watanabe
11:00-11:20 7.4a: ID1699 - Harper
Oral Presentations 7b
10:00-10:20 7.1b: ID1620-Gonzalez-G
10:20-10:40 7.2b: ID1685 - Wright
10:40-11:00 7.3b: ID1084 - Martin
11:00-11:20 7.4b: ID1088 - Korte
11:20-11:40 7.5b: ID1618-Gonzalez-G
Poster Session 7
P7.1: ID1581-Hillal
P7.2: ID1697-James
P7.3: ID1676-López
P7.4: ID1599-Ates
P7.5: ID1492-Moulay
P7.6: ID1690-Dancs
P7.7: ID1659-Roscillo
P7.8: ID1634-Murayama
P7.9: ID1619-Maszczyk
P7.10: ID1570 - Stone
P7.11: ID1680-Rivilla
11:45 – 12:00 Coffee Break
12:00 – 12:45 Professional Session Lecture
Ms. Ana Montero Pacheco
Technical Director of the Spanish Olympic Synchronised Swimming Team
Directora Técnica del Equipo Olímpico Español de Natación Sincronizada
Performance analysis of the synchronized swimming olympic duet at the Olympics Games
Análisis del rendimiento del dúo olímpico de natación sincronizada en los Juegos Olímpicos
12:45 – 14:30 Oral Presentations 8a
12:45-13:05 8.1a: ID1650 - Ruiz-Teba
13:05-13:25 8.2a: ID1700 - Cuenca-F
13:25-13:45 8.3a: ID1651 - Kunitson
  Poster Session 8
P8.1: ID1646-Tang
P8.2: ID1661-Lin
P8.3: ID1679-Reina
P8.4: ID910-Bazanov
P8.5: ID1496-Dominic
P8.6: ID1642-Nhantumbo
P8.7: ID1674-González
P8.8: ID1694-Mancha
P8.9: ID1672-García
P8.10: ID1674-González-E
14:30 – 15:30 Lunch
15:30 – 17:00 ISPAS Assembly Meeting
17:00 – 18:00 Prof. Dr. Raúl Arellano Colomina
Physical Education and Sport Department, Faculty of Sport SciencesUniversity of Granada, Spain
Swimming competition analysis: new trends
Análisis de la Competición en Natación: Nuevas tendencias
18:00 – 19:00 Cardiff School of SportCardiff Metropolitan University, United Kingdom
Measurement issues in sports performance analysis: the impact of unrepresentative data and limited reliability
19:00 – 20:00 Closing Ceremony
Prof. Dr. Will Hopkins
Institute of Sport, Exercise and Active Living,Victoria University, Melbourne, Australia
Medal-winning Enhancements of Performance
20:00 Congress Dinner


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